


 Since 2006  ·  Made in Scandinavia

The AstMate Blanket is safe and natural


After nine months in sterile environment as a fetus, comes the time for a human being to be born and meet the environment for the first time. Presenting allergens at the time of birth, or even before, when our immunsystem are codified will prevent immune disorders in the future.

The immunesystem is open to presentation of allergens right from the start and can be "programmed" the very time for colostrum i.e. time of birth until the first hours after,  then you have to maintain a certain level of exposure to the age of two or three years old, when the child are considered as immunologically stable. 

A primary immunological tolerance will occur, and a durable hyposensibilization will be the result.

 In fact, this is the basic principle of evolution. And the reason why we invented the AstMate Blanket. And since noone ever did this before we got the patents as well.

A positive experience! We strongly believe that it has helped, both of our children are allergy-free and very healthy.
— Agnes, blanket user
Just because I (the mother) have pet allergy I wanted to minimze the risk that my children would have it aswell.
— Erika, blanket user